Let the observed data
which are indexed by time come from a parametric model with time
parameter vectors
whose density is given by
The parameters in
may be time varying or invariant. Anomalies are modelled as parametric
epidemic changepoints, represented by changes in the parameters
which are common across all timesteps in the anomaly.
anomalous period consists to
consecuative time steps which are denoted by the set
anomalous periods are disjoint so
and ordered such that
for all
the variations in the parameters caused by the anomalous periods is
given by
The density and values of
determine the non anomalous behaviour of the process generating the
observed data. If these are considered known a priori then the
anomalous periods can be determined by the selection of
to minimise the penalised cost
subject to
The minimum anomaly length
is related to the anoamly cost function
and ensures that the minimum with respect to
can be found. Concrete examples of this framework cost functions can be
found in the cost function vignettes.
One possible definition [ of
is as the negative log-likelihood of data given by the parametric model.
In such cases a common choices for the penalty
are based on informationc criteria commonly used for model selection
][. As noted in <> in practical settings may of these criteria
perform poorly. Instead, in the follwoing section the CROPS algorithm,
whch offers a graphical selection method for the selecton of the penalty
term in changepoint analysis is adapted for use in this anomaly
Folowing [ we relate the minimum value of the
penalised cost function above which is given by
to the minimum cost of a partition with
anomalies given by
This is exactly the form of the CROPS paper so theorom 3.1 and
algorithm still apply